My mate Mushy Cloud posted these questions as part of Share Your World.
So, being somewhat under par and firing on only three cylinders, I’ve purloined them.
Are you usually late, early, or right on time?
I’ve always been a stickler, from school days and right through work. I get antsy when people turn up late for appointments and feel physically uncomfortable if we arrange a time to leave and people are faffing about. My oldest daughter has inherited this trait from me and gets quite upset if she’s on minutes.
If you were or are a writer do you prefer writing short stories, poems or novels?
Does blogging count?
I’ve done a few rewrites of songs which people found amusing and I can make stuff up at the drop of a hat when I’m in form.
A novel feels like quite an endeavour. Maybe short stories would suit me better. My Mum’s always been a story teller, more so lately as her memory slips.
Where did you live at age ten? Is it the same place or town you live now?
Maidstone Mosque.
Don’t laugh. It’s not as outlandish as it seems. When I turned 10 my Dad was in a rehabilitation centre recovering from a massive car smash which invalided him. He was a Salvation Army Officer at Maidstone Corps in Melbourne. Streetview tells me that t’s now a mosque. It hasn’t changed structually but has been painted a uniform white and had bits added to it.
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?
Definitely a flier me. Always dreamt of it as a kid.
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
My ill health over the weekend has once again told me that being generally robust is a blessing. I’ve just turned 50 plus a bit (I know, I know, it’s so hard to believe, isn’t it?) and barring a few aches and pains I enjoy a glow I really don’t deserve..
This next week is full of appointments and half term shenanigans. Mum will no doubt pull something out of the hat. She now talks darkly of me removing all the food from her house and actually got Gill to do a shop for her. The food was months out of date and we offered on the day to help her replace it btw.
Well that was fun. I promise to do a “proper” post when my head clears a bit.